Wednesday, October 21, 2009

President Bush we miss you!!!

Obama still dragging his feet on Afghanistan- another do-nothing democrat in the White House brings back to mind how much the US of A owes President Bush.

Listening to the democ -rats during their 2008 convention should make us look back at the last 8 years just to make sure we are all living on the same universe. Even republicans cannot see the last years for what it really has been. I call the last 8 years "Restoration of the USA".
President Bush has spent a lot of the last 8 years cleaning up the mess created by the Clinton 8 years of shallow, characterless and woeful lack of leadership. Lets take a walk down memory lane.
War on Terror - Clinton 0 and Al Qaeda - 7
1993 - The first World Trade Center bombing
1995 - Attempted crashing of plane on White House
1995 - Oklahoma City bombing
1996 - Khobar Towers bombing - Saudi Arabia
1998 - U.S. Embassy bombings Kenya/Tanzania
2000 - USS Cole Bombing - Yemen
Clinton response - Little or NOTHING

War on Terror - President Bush years - 100 and Al Qaeda - 0
9/11/2001 - Attack on World Trade Center/Pentagon/
President Bush's response - War on terror on a world footing.
Taken out Taliban - installed democratic government in Afghanistan
Taken out Saddam and Sons.- Installed a democratic government in Iraq
Killed or captured countless Al Qaeda.

Clinton Vs Osama Bin Laden
Osama bin laden was out in the out in the open. And masterminded the 9/11.

President Bush Vs Osama Bin Laden
Bin Laden has been hiding in a cave. Sending pathetic messages to show the world he is alive.

- Corporate scandals - Clinton years - These companies were high on the hog
Arthur Andersen
Global Crossing
World Comm

- Corporate scandals - President Bush years - Above companies exposed and sued

- High Tech Bubble - Clinton years - NASDAQ - was at 5,132 Mar 2000 and fell to 56% to 2912 Jan 2001
A total of 8 trillion dollars of wealth was lost in the crash of 2000!!!

This huge crash created a huge increase in jobless rate dropped from 4.0 to 5.0 that is a loss of over 2 million jobs and then came 9/11 when because of the un-serious Justice Dept. of Clinton the 20 terrorists trained and were able to hit the USA. We know Clinton was busy with stuff under his desk so he was really concentrating on that stuff.

President Bush - cleaned up this crash and there has been steady growth of NASDAQ and even though there are ups and downs there is a sanity in the high tech world. IPOs are based on real companies that are actually doing some thing unlike the Clinton years where easy money IPOs was cheating the public.

The build up of the housing bubble- Clinton years - Freddie Mac and Fannie may were encouraged, nay, forced to give loans to those who could not afford it. And to make sure that the lobby money from Freddie and Fannie went to democrats Clinton sent his own White House Budget Director Franklin Raines to run Fannie and collected $50 million. Jamie Gorelick -- Clinton Justice Department official -- worked for Fannie and took home $26 million. Big Democrat Jim Johnson, recently on Obama's VP search committee, has hauled in millions from his Fannie Mae CEO job.

President Bush - housing bubble burst - has to deal with this mis-management and he has been asking Congress to reform these mortgage giants and got NOTHING from them. This do-nothing congress has more than 200 investigations into President Bush and his admin., none of which have yielded a spot on this great President. They had hearings for hours on end on baseball!! I am not kidding - baseball and zero pm the mortgage crisis. So one more thing for President Bush to clean up.

Oil for food and Saddam Hussein - Clinton years - Saddam was making hay while the Clinton admin. Was turning a blind eye because of the unhealthy relationship that the Clinton admin had with Kofi Annan. And now we know that Marc Rich, the billionaire financier who was awarded a “midnight pardon” in one of President Clinton’s last acts in office, is “a central figure” in the U.N. Oil-for-Food corruption scandal:

President Bush cleaned up the Oil for Food scandal and Saddam was hung his misdeeds.

Kyoto Protocol – Clinton Signed it even though he knew the congress would never pass it. And Kyoto would have been the worst treaty for America. But because of his lack of
Kyoto Protocol – President Bush not only rejected the Kyoto Treaty much to the disgust of the Europeans and hate-USA crowd. Now almost everyone agrees it was best for US of A.