Yes, We are frustrated- At obummer policies, corruption, and fails....
* This is but a "partial" list of the corruption of the obummer administration *
Voters on the fence should consider the following:
Reasons to NOT VOTE DemoRat folks....
ISIS (JV Squad)
Iraq, Benghazi & Libya
Bowe Bergdahl
$17.8 trillion in debt and growing
NSA Spying on Americans
Vets dying due to VA Neglect
Muslim Brotherhood
Fast & Furious
ObamaCare, website & "you can keep your Dr."
"We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"
Amnesty for 22 million illegals...
Workplace Violence (not terrorism)
Repeal the Patriot Act
Dream Act
Promise to close Gitmo in his 1st year
"You didn't build that"
Shovel ready jobs
Refuse the salute the American Flag
Refusal to wear American flag pin
Wears FAKE flag pin
Most Transparent Administration
No Lobbying
America will be respected again when I'm president
Eric Holder
Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Joe 2 barrel blast Biden
Sending a larger delegation to Ferguson thugs funeral than PM Thatcher's funeral
Keystone Pipeline
"Raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt"
Closing down the WWII Memorial
Voluntary Ebola Quarantine
corporations and businesses don't create jobs
Obamas IRS destroying evidence
Opening border to gang members and drug dealers
VA intentional deaths of veterans
Negotiating with terrorists
SEAL Team 6
Trading 5 Terrorists for a deserter
"You want to build a coal pant? You can, and we will regulate you right out of business"
Marine stuck in Mexican jail
Obamacare would save the avg family $2500 per year
Forcing businesses to violate their religious beliefs
Violating the rights and sanctity of our Churches
Obamacare web site-cronyism
NSA acting as Obama Gestapo
Lies about Benghazi
Voter fraud
Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during the sequester
Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during govt shutdown
Shutting down ‘The Peoples House’ tours
Military not getting their votes counted
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood with arms and money
DOJ spying on the free press
Not securing our borders
Spying on Americans on American soil with drones
Picking winners and losers
IRS targeting conservatives
IRS targeting the Tea Party
Millions losing health care coverage
Increasing welfare rolls
Increasing disability rolls
Countless party’s
Countless exorbitant vacations
Releasing illegal’s from prison
Unconstitutional recess appointment
NO budget for 5 years
Clapper lying to Congress
Holder lying to Congress
War on women
Promoting race war
War between makers and takers
A123 Systems
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste"
Cash for clunkers
"I Barrack Hussain Obama pledge to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America"
* This is but a "partial" list of the corruption of the obummer administration *
Voters on the fence should consider the following:
Reasons to NOT VOTE DemoRat folks....
ISIS (JV Squad)
Iraq, Benghazi & Libya
Bowe Bergdahl
$17.8 trillion in debt and growing
NSA Spying on Americans
Vets dying due to VA Neglect
Muslim Brotherhood
Fast & Furious
ObamaCare, website & "you can keep your Dr."
"We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"
Amnesty for 22 million illegals...
Workplace Violence (not terrorism)
Repeal the Patriot Act
Dream Act
Promise to close Gitmo in his 1st year
"You didn't build that"
Shovel ready jobs
Refuse the salute the American Flag
Refusal to wear American flag pin
Wears FAKE flag pin
Most Transparent Administration
No Lobbying
America will be respected again when I'm president
Eric Holder
Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Joe 2 barrel blast Biden
Sending a larger delegation to Ferguson thugs funeral than PM Thatcher's funeral
Keystone Pipeline
"Raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt"
Closing down the WWII Memorial
Voluntary Ebola Quarantine
corporations and businesses don't create jobs
Obamas IRS destroying evidence
Opening border to gang members and drug dealers
VA intentional deaths of veterans
Negotiating with terrorists
SEAL Team 6
Trading 5 Terrorists for a deserter
"You want to build a coal pant? You can, and we will regulate you right out of business"
Marine stuck in Mexican jail
Obamacare would save the avg family $2500 per year
Forcing businesses to violate their religious beliefs
Violating the rights and sanctity of our Churches
Obamacare web site-cronyism
NSA acting as Obama Gestapo
Lies about Benghazi
Voter fraud
Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during the sequester
Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during govt shutdown
Shutting down ‘The Peoples House’ tours
Military not getting their votes counted
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood with arms and money
DOJ spying on the free press
Not securing our borders
Spying on Americans on American soil with drones
Picking winners and losers
IRS targeting conservatives
IRS targeting the Tea Party
Millions losing health care coverage
Increasing welfare rolls
Increasing disability rolls
Countless party’s
Countless exorbitant vacations
Releasing illegal’s from prison
Unconstitutional recess appointment
NO budget for 5 years
Clapper lying to Congress
Holder lying to Congress
War on women
Promoting race war
War between makers and takers
A123 Systems
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste"
Cash for clunkers
"I Barrack Hussain Obama pledge to preserve protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America"