Sunday, August 10, 2008

Open Letter from my husband and myself to the McCain campaign.

We saw your representative Rick Davis on Fox News Sunday. His criticism of the President is disgusting to me and my wife. He refers to him as "George Bush"- without even the iota of respect. The only reason we would even support him is because the only other choice will be disastrous to this country. However, compared to President Bush, whom we consider one of the all-time great Presidents- right up there with Presidents Lincoln and Roosevelt- Sen. McCain is a Liliputian, a pygmy. ( As are all the rest of the republicans) - the only reason to vote for this set of tiny men with tiny tiny characters is because the other side are on a negative scale and bordering on enemies of the US of A. Just look for a terrorist of any kind and you will find a democrat supporting the terrorist. So we poor folks a left with no option but to vote for the republicans who are not fit to clean the shoes of President Bush.

The reasons why we would vote for Sen. McCain are primarily because of his stance on life his support of the troops, and his military service. He has absolutely no executive experience, and he may think he was "right about the surge", but "a surge" is not a strategy. What was presented to the President was a strategy that **needed** the surge- viz., the clear and hold strategy.

So, for him to go around preening himself on "opposing the administration", etc., is simply idiotic. I tell you, there are a silent majority of people like us who truly admire this great president. Sen. McCain and his reps can go around dissing the President at his own risk.

We contributed quite a bit of money to President Bush's re-election campaign, but we aren't going to send money to Sen. McCain's campaign, though we will vote for him. As I said the other choice is disastrous for the country.
Isaac and Pamela