Monday, November 5, 2012

Cannot Wait
At last the long national and international nightmare of a the Oblammer presidency is drawing to a close.  The American people who bought the Sol Alinsky line - hook line and sinker are at last waking up to send this Chicago thug back to Chicago .  We can look at these 4 years as punishment to the us the American people for treating the amazing President Bush so shabbily.  It will take a long time to see the value of a statesman like President Bush but Oblammer is so exact opposite in every way I am sure there are people who now realize  the lies they believed about Bush were false.
I am going to write a series of differences over a period of time all you Obummer kool-aid drinkers, if you disagree go do research and stop bothering me.
     President Bush had a real foreign policy 
             -  with his quiet diplomacy he used to get cooperation has been squandered by this amateurish foreign policy where we call our proud allies "corrupt"  to the press and make them our enemies like Karzai, Pakistani' leaders and Iraqi leaders.  So now they are openly defying us.  Under President Bush they were publicly our best friends and in private President Bush was very tough on them and they appreciated that and they knew he was a leader who did what he said he would do so they cooperated not out of goodness but out of fear. 
              -  Signed a lot of agreements with Israel so they have the latest war equipment so they can protect themselves against Iran.
               -  Sided with our friends on the missile shield against Russia
              -  Never would have ignored the pleadings of our Ambassador of Libya and even if he had to upset the Libyans he would have had either  special forces or marines to protect our people a and embassies.  Never would have treated American lives like they are expendable.
             -  Would have worked from the back to remove Egyptian leader Mubarak and  used our influence to raise up leaders NOT in the Muslim brotherhood . This is what he did with Charles Taylor of Liberia.
            -would have picked the phone and talked the the Prime minister of Iraq so that we can have a significant force on the ground  just  like we do with every place we have liberated , Germany, Japan, South Korea etc...  not Iraq is turning to Iran because  we have no status of forces agreement and Iraq is afraid .  All because this amateur  messed 
This is just one part of my screed on foreign policy where Oblammer has messed up I will write more soon.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Here is my predication for the Presidential Election 2012 Romney Vs Oblammer.
Romney will win a minimum 40 states. And Romney will be the 45th President of the USA.

Friday, June 8, 2012

leaks and such

I would like to place a bet that the Obama administration will NOT be held responsible in the leak scandal that has put those who cooperated with the USA in jail and outed our allies and made us less safe.
I also predict that Obama and his team will do EVERYTHING absolutely EVERYTHING to get re-elected.
Look for lies.  Look for false racism charges.  They may even hire a thug to pretend to shoot him so he gets the sympathy vote . He wants a second term, people.  Watch out America there is nothing Obama will not do to stay in the white house another 4 years.  Absolutely NOTHING.